Definition Lists in HTML 5

Definition Lists in HTML 5

Definition Lists in HTML 5:

    Figure 1:  An HTML 5 logo that I designed in SVG

    Figure 2:  the SVG image, in Figure 1:  when exported as a .PNG file.

There are three types of list elements employed in HTML 5.  These are:

  • Ordered Lists;
  • Unordered Lists;
  • Definition Lists.

Below is an example of a definition list.  I took the definition of the mathematical term:


from the Collins English Dictionary.

Example of a Definition List:

axiom (ˈæksɪəm) noun
a generally accepted proposition or principle, sanctioned by experience; maxim

a universally established principle or law that is not a necessary truth: the axioms of politics

a self-evident statement.

logicmaths a statement or formula that is stipulated tp be true for the purpose of a chain of reasoning: the foundation of a formal deductive system.  Compare assumption (sense 4)

C15: from Latin axiōma a principle, from Greek, from axioun to consider worthy, from axios worthy[1].

    Snippet 1:  The HTML-5 code that generated the above definition list.

    Snippet 2:  The CSS styling that I applied to the Definition List whose code is featured in Snippet 2.


    Snippet 3:  The SVG code that I scripted that generates the HTML-5 logo employed to illustrate this blog-post.

You may view the source code of the SVG code of the HTML-5 logo at my Codepen account.

[1].  Collins English Dictionary: 30th anniversary edition, Glasgow, U.K., Harper Collins, (10th edition, 2009), p. 115.


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