The Definite Article in Ancient Greek

The Ancient-Greek Definite Article

The Definite Article:

The Ancient-Greek Definite Article:
     Singular: Dual: Plural:
     Masculine: Feminine: Neuter: Masculine: Feminine: Neuter: Masculine: Feminine: Neuter:
Nominative: τό τώ τώ , τᾱ́ τώ οἱ αἱ τά
Genitive: τοῦ τῆς τοῦ τοῖν τοῖν , ταῖν τοῖν τῶν τῶν τῶν
Dative: τῷ τῇ τῷ τοῖν τοῖν , ταῖν τοῖν τοῖς ταῖς τοῖς
Accusative: τόν τήν τό τώ τώ , τᾱ́ τώ τούς τᾱ́ς τούς


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