The Qamats:

The Qamats Vowel in Hebrew.

The Qāmats:

A Qāmats is a Nikkud symbol [1].

Qamats Hebrew Vowel

Figure 1:  A Qamats symbol that I coded in SVG.

Figure 2:  What the SVG image in Figure 1 looks like when exported as a PNG.

Figure 3:  The SVG code that generated the vector image: Figure 1.

A Qāmats is a Hebrew vowel that denotes a long-a sound[2]. The Qāmats-hey (-ah) [3] suffix, in Hebrew, usually denotes a feminine noun, and is a feature of such girl’s names as ‘Leah,’[4]. which, I think, means ‘soreness,’ ‘tenderness,’ ‘compassion.’  One of the uses of SVG is the design of custom fonts.

You may view the source-code of the SVG Qāmats at my Codepen account.

[1].  נִקּוּד  In Classical Hebrew, the letters and Masoretic vowels: Nun, Chīrīq; qoph, doubling dagesh; Uau, shuruq; dāleth.  A system of pronunciation and vowel markings developed by the Masoretes.

[2].  The Qamats represents the /a/ sound found in the English word ‘father.  In Classical Hebrew, should a qamats be used in conjuntion with a hey, i.e.: הָ‐ then it represents a longer-a sound, represented ‒ in phonemic transcription ‒ as: /aː/ .

[3].   הָ‐.

[4].   לֵאָה In Classical Hebrew, the letters: Lamed, Tseirei; Alif Qamats; Hey.


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