The Phi Quadrilateral

The Phi Quadrilateral.

Phi Quadrilateral

a b x y c d

    Figure 1:  A Phi Quadrilateral that I coded in SVG.  I believe that these are used for perspective.  The first quadrilateral will have its base line-segment at the bottom of the canvas, in the foreground.  A second quadrilateral - scaled to 0.618033988... the size of the first, will have its base equal in magnitude to the top line segment of the original quadrilateral.  This second quadrilateral has its base at the top line segment of the first quadrilateral.  Quadrilaterals are stacked atop each other until they vanish at the vanishing point at the horizon.

    Figure 2:  What the vector image depicted in Figure 1: looks like when exported as a PNG.

The proportions of the above quadrilateral are as follows:

In the above-depicted quadrilateral:

|ab| : |cd| = 0.618033988... : 1

or, alterantely, in the above-depicted quadrilateral:

|ab| : |cd| = 1 : 1.618033988...


In the above-depicted quadrilateral:

|ab| : |xy| = 1 : 1



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