How Long Is a Piece of String?

How Long is a Piece of String

How long is a piece of string?  This is very often touted — by non-philosophers, mostly — as being one of the ultimate philosophical questions.  

The preceding question, after which this blog-post is entitled, is generally regarded as unanswerable.

However, in our case, the question can indeed be answered, as this piece of string — coded in SVG — is 77 lines long!

Figure 1:  A piece of cotton string that I coded in SVG.

Figure 2:  As we can observe from this code-shot, the SVG file that has produced the piece of string depicted in Figure 1 is 77 lines long.

Figure 3:  What the vector image, depicted in Figure 1, looks like when saved — or exported —as a PNG file.

You may observe the source-code of the above-depicted piece of string at my Codepen account.


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