
Showing posts from December, 2017

Nested Lists in HTML 5: The Counties of Ireland

Provinces of Ireland Nested Unordered List Example      Figure 1:   A Flag of Ireland  that I scripted in SVG. This is the flag-of-Ireland image exported as a PNG file.      Figure 2:   Above is the flag-...

The Set of Natural Numbers:

     Figure 2:   The Natural Number Symbol that I scripted in SVG. The Natural Number symbol is a blackboard boldface ‘N’.      Figure 2:   The Natural Number Symbol exported as a PNG file. The set of Natural numbers can refer either to the set of non-negative integers, i.e.: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...} or to the set of positive integers, i.e.: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...} The term, ‘natural numbers,’ refers to quantities observed in nature. One can have two apples; three pears or five bananas; how...

Thou Worthless Zed

Figure 1:  The 26th letter of the English Alphabet, 'z'.  I scripted this in svg.      Figure 2:   The SVG image that I scripted. In Shakespeare's play, King Lear there is the following quote: Thou whoreson zed, thou unnecessary letter! In English, the phonemes produced by the letter, 'z', can also be produced by the letter, 's'. Hence, why Shakespeare seemes to consider the letter, 'z,' "worthless" in Act 2 Scene 2 of King Lear You may view the code of this SVG image at my Codepen account.

An Introduction to Modern Geometry: The Directed Line Segment

Introduction to Modern Geometry Modern Geometry: The Directed Line Segment In Euclidean Geometry, line segments possess only magnitude, and not direction. A B      Figure 1:   In Euclidean Geometry, only the magnitude of line segments is considered. As we can see in Figure 1 , in Euclidean Geometry, the line segment: |AB| would be considered equal to the line segment: |BA| . However, this is not the case with Modern Geometry. In Modern Geometry, line segments not only possess magnitude, but direction also. A B      Figure 2:   In Modern Geometry, line segments possess direction as well as magnitude. In Modern Geometry: |AB| is termed: ‘a directed line segment’ . ...